Do you want to save on your human resource’s costs, reduce human Errors on your business place, not paying overtime, or get rid of the Unions and, have twenty-four hours flexible shifts based on your hospitality business requirement?
We want to recommend a solution to solve all of those problems in once by introducing our economic solution:
Each ROBOSERVE is designed to serve four tables (including six seats each which will have 24 customers on all) to prevent the extra load, waiting time of the orders and providing a smooth serving flow.
With 20 years hand in job and long history of this company in the Hospitality field. Which provide for this compony a deep knowledge and strong hand in job skill ability to create the automation version of serving ROBOSERVE.
The flexibility of the ROBOSERVE to be adaptable on different serving and dining case scenarios such as bequeathal French serving and etc. Due to its versatile mechanic and programming arrangements.
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