The college registration and tuition fee for one year is $22,500 CAD for the Business Administration course and paperwork. You are required to pay an initial amount of $6,500, and we will start the registration process and prepare the documents for the college registration. Subsequently you will pay $16,000 to fully register in the college and we will send you the final registration documents and form and we will move forward with the lawyer to apply for your visa, the cost of which will be $2,500. You can, however, hire your own lawyer to apply for your visa, but we recommend our professional lawyer so that you don’t get rejection and all your documents are prepared up to the standard expected. If, in any case, you did not receive your visa, we will reimburse $16,000 back to you.
We will sign a contract with you for this whole process. If you get approved, your spouse will get a work permit, and your child will be enrolled free in public schools here.
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